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In later life Gainsborough painted more freely and openly. Although his landscapes, which he
preferred to his portraits, exhale a typically English freshness, they were painted in the studio on the
basis of small models put together from moss and pebbles. Constructed in the grand manner of
Hobbema, a seventeenth-century Dutch master, and painted with soft strokes of wash like those of
Watteau, the Market Cart, of 1787, shows an almost rhapsodic abandonment to the mood of nature,
which led to the great English landscapists of the early nineteenth century.
Constable said that Gainsborough's landscape moved him to tears, and contemplating the
freedom and beauty of the painting of the cart and a boy gathering brushwood, not to speak of the
glow of light seeming to come from within the tree in the centre, one can understand why.
Make sure you know how to pronounce the following words:
Thomas Gainsborough [
]; Van Dyck [
]; embroidered
]; abandonment [
]; rhapsodic [
]; organdy
]; Howe [
]; aristocracy [
]; Hobbema [
], Watteau
Mary Countess Howe - "Графиня Мери Хью"
Market Cart - "Телега, едущая на рынок"
I. Read the text. Make sure you understand it. Mark the following statements true or false.
1. Until 1774 Gainsborough lived and worked in Italy.
2. Gainsborough's figures are abundant.
3. Gainsborough's portraits were influenced by Titian.
4. Gainsborough's brushwork was free and bold.
5. Gainsborough's landscapes were classical.
6. Gainsborough was abandoned to nature.
II. How well have you read? Can you answer the following questions?
1. What makes Gainsborough an outstanding painter?
2. Whose influence is felt in Gainsborough's portraits? What did Gainsborough achieve in his
full-length portraits?
3. Where is the figure in Mary Countess Howe posed?
4. What do Gainsborough's landscapes exhale? What did Gainsborough prefer to paint in later
5. What does the Market Cart show?
6. What was said about Gainsborough's landscape?
III. i. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:
the most influential English painter; the elegant attenuation; a full-length portrait; to pose in
front of a landscape background; the embroidered organdy of the overdress; the exquisite play of
colour; to prefer landscapes to portraits; to paint landscapes in a studio; the grand manner; to move
to tears; the painting of the cart; the shimmer of light; soft strokes; to gather brushwood.
ii. Give English equivalents of the following phrases:
трогать до слез; наиболее авторитетный художник; позировать на фоне пейзажа;
предпочитать пейзажи портретам; хрупкость и изящество несколько удлиненных женских
фигур; органди; портрет во весь рост; мягкие блики; писать пейзажи в студии;
величественная манера; совершенная игра цвета; собирать хворост; изображение повозки;
мягкие мазки.
iii. Make up sentences ofyour own with the given phrases.
iv. Arrange the following in the pairs of synonyms:
a) influential; occasional; exquisitely; environment; artificial;
b) unnatural; surroundings; infrequent; perfectly; important.
IV. Translate the text into English.
На формирование Томаса Гейнсборо - великого английского портретиста XVIII века,
значительное влияние оказали работы Ван Дейка.
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