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Rembrandt was not understood in his own life-time. He died in poverty. But it is the
spirituality of his art that distinguishes Rembrandt from his Dutch contemporaries and makes him
the greatest artist of the world.
Make sure you know how to pronounce the following words:
Rembrandt [
]; Leiden [
]; Amsterdam [
]; Metamorphoses
]; commandment [
]; Sinai [
]; Ovid [
]; Pilate
]; Apocrypha [
]; Abraham [
]; pilgrimage [
archangel [
]; Aquarius [
]; Jupiter [
Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp - "Урок анатомии доктора Тулпа"
The Night Watch - "Ночной дозор"
The Polish Rider - "Польский всадник"
Return of the Prodigal Son - "Возвращение блудного сына"
Holy Family - "Святое семейство"
John the Baptist Preaching - "Проповедь Иоанна Кресги-теля"
Abraham, 's Sacrifice - "Жертвоприношение Авраама"
Moses Breaking the Tablets - "Моисей, разбивающий скрижали "
Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalen - "Явление Христа Марии Магдалине"
Rape of Ganymede - "Похищение Ганемеда"
Diana Bathing with her Nymphs, with the Stories of Act eon and Callisto
- " Диана,
купающаяся с нимфами" 
Self-Portrait - "Автопортрет"
Suskia van Uylenburg - Саския ван Эйленборх
I. Read the text. Make sure you understand it. Mark the following statements true or false.
1. Rembrandt painted, engraved and drew more than eighty portraits and fifty self-portraits.
2. The Night Watch by Rembrandt was a traditional portrait of the citizen-soldiers in alignment.
3. Mystery dominates in the Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp.
4. The Return of the Prodigal Son is a brilliant example of the highly imaginative Baroque
5. In the Polish Rider the figure and his horse stand forth in a new sculptural grandeur.
6. Rembrandt was not fond of etching.
II. How well have you read? Can you answer the following questions?
1. What does Rembrandt's art remain to this day?
2. Was Rembrandt a master of portraiture? What portraits did he create? What are Rembrandt's
best group portraits? What dominates in the Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp?
3. What is the subject of The Night Watch Were the commissioners satisfied with this
Rembrandt's work of art? What did they expect? How are they depicted?
4. Why did Rembrandt begin to lose popularity as a portraitist?
5. What is the best example of Rembrandt's highly imaginative painting in the Baroque style?
What is represented in this painting?
6. What did Rembrandt paint in 1655?
7. How is The Polish Rider interpreted? How is the youth portrayed? What technique did
Rembrandt use in this painting?
8. What role did etching play in Rembrandt's production?
9. What does the Return of the Prodigal Son represent? When was it created? How is the
painting interpreted?
10. What mythological paintings did Rembrandt execute?
11. What distinguishes Rembrandt from his contemporaries?
III. i. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:
a self-portrait; a study; a master of portraiture; to portray the subjects; a shoulder-length
portrait; a half-length portrait; life-size pictures; group portraits; effective lightning; a narrative
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