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  City  the 1BA     bank
difficult language
marketable goods
6. Find English equivalents in the text:
Английские газеты можно разделить на две группы. 
Эти две группы можно легко отличить друг от друга 
Английские газеты часто ассоциируют с Флит стрит 
Радио Англии контролирует Би-Би-Си.
7. Translate as in the example:
a paper delivered to their home
газета, доставляемая на дом
• Example
Fleet Street located in Westminstel
the private companies controlled by
the talks resumed after lunch
the point mentioned in the letter
the goods shipped
the letters of credit opened with the
all the problems settled
the news broadcast over the radio
the news televised
8. Complete as much as you remember:
•  The British are a nation...
Many of them have ... delivered. 
British newspapers can be divided... 
Quality newspapers .. while popular newspapers 
These two groups... distmgished... British newspapers are often associated...
Fleet Stieet was the home... 
But not long ago. . Docklands 
Only... Fleet Street. 
However... to mean 'the press'.
• Watching .. pastimes
Broadcasting... the ВВС and... the IBA 
The ВВС receives... but... advertising . 
The ВВС... channels.
•  National radio is controlled... and... four... 
There are many local... private... the ВВС.
Their programmes consist...
9. Translate into Russian the sentence starting with:
'The IBA is rlesponsible....'.
10. Role play
Imagine you are speaking with an English businessman. Ask him a few questions about:
•  English newspapers
•  English radio
•  English television programmes
Tell him what television programmes you like.
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