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to wait for
to wonder at
Group I in the list contains the majority (but not all) of prepositional transitive verbs. The list could be
continued, for a number of verbs of the kind are used occasionally, but the pattern itself is very productive.
Some prepositional monotransitive verbs have non-prepositional equivalents, e.g. to account for is a
synonym for to explain, to look on - to regard, to speak (talk) about - to discuss.
Your absence must be accounted for. = Your absence must be explained.
Group II contains phraseological units based on the fusion of a monotransitive verb and a noun as direct
object. These units express one notion and function as prepositional verbs. Many of them have synonyms
among monotransitive verbs, prepositional and non-prepositional:
to take care of 
to find fault with 
to put an end to 
to put up with 
to make fun of
- to look after, to tend;
- to grumble at, about, to criticize;
- to stop;
- to reconcile oneself to;
- to laugh at, to mock.
Like single prepositional verbs the phraseological units with the verb in the passive voice are usually
rendered in Russian by means of indefinite personal or impersonal constructions.
In hospital patients are taken great care of. 
The boy was the only child and was made a
lot of fuss of. 
I’m not prepared to think that I’m being made
a fool of.
В госпитале за больными хорошо ухаживают.
Мальчик был единственным ребенком в семье, и с ним
много возились. 
Мне не хочется думать, что меня дурачат.
Sometimes a phraseological unit is split and the original direct object becomes the subject of the passive
construction (the direct passive).
No notice was taken of the boy at first. - Сначала мальчика не замечали.
Group III contains a short list of intransitive verbs used with prepositional nominal groups functioning as
prepositional objects or adverbial modifiers. These may form passive constructions by analogy with other verbs
used with prepositions:
No conclusion was arrived at. 
His bed hasn’t been slept in.
Such a dress can’t be sat down in.
He пришли ни к какому заключению. 
В его постели не спали. (Она не смята) 
В таком платье нельзя садиться.
The use of the passive voice
§ 71. The passive voice is widely used in English. It is used alongside the active voice in written and spoken
English. Passive constructions are often used instead of active constructions in sentences beginning with an
indefinite pronoun, a noun or a pronoun of indefinite reference.
Somebody left the dog in the garden. 
Has anybody answered your questions? 
People will laugh at you for your trouble. 
They told me to go away.
= The dog was left in the garden. 
= Have your questions been answered?
= You will be laughed at for your trouble. 
= I was told to go away.
It is evident that in the process of speech passive constructions arise naturally, not as a result of conversion
from the active into the passive.
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