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The agentive by-object corresponding to the subject of the active construction is very rarely used in either
type of construction. Of the two passive constructions the indirect passive is by far the most common. As there
is no indirect passive construction in Russian, sentences with this construction are translated into Russian by
means of the indefinite personal construction with the indirect object in the front position.
You will be given another ticket. 
I was allowed an hour’s rest.
Вам дадут другой билет.
Мне разрешили отдохнуть один час.
The indirect passive construction gives greater prominence to the direct object, whereas the direct passive
construction emphasizes the indirect object: The first prize was given to Mary implies that it was not given to
anybody else. The construction may be translated in two ways, by an indefinite personal active construction or
by a passive construction: Первую премию дали Мэри or Первая премия была дана (присуждена) Мэри.
The presence of the by-object makes it of great communicative value.
I was given this watch by my father
The watch was given (to) me by mу father.
Часы эти мне подарил мои отец.
Ditransitive verbs used in the passive construction
to allow 
to give 
to grant 
to lend 
to offer 
to pay 
to promise 
to teach 
to tell
to ask 
to answer 
to envy 
to forgive 
to refuse
Verbs in group I follow the usage explained in the previous part of this section. The same refers to group II
with the difference that all the verbs of this group are followed by two direct objects, though in the passive the
difference is not so distinct.
I was asked a lot of questions.
Restrictions on the use of the passive of ditransitive verbs
1. The indirect passive is impossible with verbs of benefaction, when the action is performed for the benefit
of somebody.
They bought me a dictionary. 
The corresponding direct passive is:
They bought a dictionary for me. 
A dictionary was bought for me.
2. The same applies to the verbs with the obligatory to of the type to explain something to somebody (to
describe, to dictate, to suggest, etc.). With these only the direct passive is possible:
The rule was explained to them once more.
3. In verb-phrases containing a non-prepositional and a prepositional object only the non-prepositional
passive is possible.
I was told about their victory. 
Oliver was accused of theft.
4. The infinitive cannot be used as the subject of the passive construction with a ditransitive verb.
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