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professional is a predicative expressed by an adjective in the positive degree.
4. Old Jolyon watching from his corner saw his brother’s face change.
It is a simple, extended, two-member sentence.
Jolyon is the subject expressed by a proper noun in the common case.
Old is an attribute to the subject. It is expressed by an adjective in the positive degree.
watching from his corner is an attribute to the subject (or an adverbial modifier of time) expressed by a
participial phrase with participle I as headword.
saw is the predicate. It is a simple verbal predicate expressed by the verb to see in the past indefinite
his brother’s face change is a complex object expressed by an objective with the infinitive construction; it
consists of a nominal phrase (his brother’s face) and a non-perfect infinitive.
Verbal and non-verbal complexes are to be treated as one indivisible part of the sentence.
5. Is the weather not likely to change?
It is a simple unextended two-member interrogative sentence.
the weather is the subject expressed by a common noun. in the common case.
Is not likely to change is the predicate. It is a compound verbal predicate of double orientation. It consists
of two parts.
Is not likely is the first part. It denotes the estimate of the speaker of, or his attitude to, the situation
described in the sentence. It is expressed by a phrase with a modal meaning.
to change is the second part. It denotes the action itself and is expressed by a non-perfect infinitive.
6. The whole house being made of wood, it looked good.
It is a simple extended two-member declarative sentence.
it is the subject expressed by a personal pronoun of the 3rd person singular.
looked good is the predicate. It is a compound nominal predicate, consisting of a link verb and a
looked is a link verb expressed by the past indefinite of the link verb to look, which is a link verb of being
in a state.
the whole house being made of wood is an adverbial modifier of reason expressed by a nominative
absolute participial construction.
7. I found my life dull.
It is a simple extended two-member declarative sentence.
I is the subject expressed by a personal pronoun of the 1st person singular.
found is a simple verbal predicate expressed by the past indefinite of the verb to find.
my life dull is a predicative complex (or a complex object) expressed by an objective non-verbal
construction (or by an object + objective predicative).
II. The composite sentence
A. The compound sentence
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