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a predicative clause it consists only of the link verb. Compare the following sentences:
     It seems that there is no cure. (a predicative clause) 
     It seems evident that there is no cure. (a subject clause, the predicate ‘seem evident’ is complete)
The complex sentence with an object clause
§ 154. An object clause may be introduced by conjunctions (that, if, whether, whether... or, lest), or
connectives. The latter may be conjunctive pronouns (who, whoever, what, whatever, which), or conjunctive
adverbs (where, wherever, when, whenever, why, how).
An object clause may refer to any verbal form, either finite or nonfinite
Jon followed, wondering if he had offended her.
I don’t know why I like you so much.
I left her to do whatever she thought  fit.
She often reproached herself for what she had said.
He was terrified that she would forget about it soon.
An object clause may either follow or precede the main clause; it may be joined asyndetically and in this
case it always follows the main clause.
Swithin said he would go back to lunch at Timothy’s.
What she thinks it would be impossible to say.
Object clauses may refer to some adjectives expressing perception, desire, feeling, assurance
sure, sorry, pleased, desirous, jealous, anxious, etc.), and to statives (aware, afraid, etc.).
Certain that Hugh was really following the girl, he had but to keep him in sight and remain unseen.
I’m very sorry I disturbed you.
He was anxious lest somebody should guess his secret.
He was glad that no one was at home.
After some adjectives denoting a state (glad, sorry, happy, etc.) the object clause may imply semantically
the cause of that state. This similarity to an adverbial clause of cause may present some difficulty in analysing
such sentences as:
I am very sorry I disturbed you ——> I am very sorry because I disturbed you.
After adjectives and participles denoting wish or intention
(anxious, determined, interested, etc.) the
object clause may imply purpose: I am anxious that you should succeed.
Occasionally an object clause may refer to a verbal noun.
She had green eyes and a spattering of what Joseph called American freckles across the bridge of her 
Types of object clauses
§ 155. Like objects in a simple sentence, object clauses may vary in their relation to the principal clause and
in the way they are attached to the word they refer to or depend on.
1. An object clause may directly follow the word it refers to (a non-prepositional object clause). In this case
it is  parallel in function to a direct object.
Jon wondered if he had offended her.
I know when I am wasting time.
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