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to become, to grow, to turn, to get, to make.
The noise of the rattling dishes becomes intolerable.
The Elephant’s Child’s nose grew longer and longer.
The girl’s face suddenly turned red.
The girl will make a good teacher.
3. Link verbs of remaining:
to remain, to continue, to keep, to stay.
She remained vexed with him. 
The children kept suspiciously silent.
Ways of expressing the predicative
§ 56. The predicative can be expressed by:
1. A noun in the common case or in the genitive case.
Miss Sedly’s father was a merchant.
The face was Victoria's.
2. An adjective or an adjective phrase.
Ellen’s eyes grew angry.
She was full of enthusiasm.
The man was difficult to convince,
It should be remembered that in some cases a predicative adjective in English corresponds to an adverbial
modifier expressed by an adverb in Russian.
The apples smell good.
Яблоки хорошо пахнут.
The music sounded beautiful.
Музыка звучала прекрасно.
She     looks     bad   - Она плохо         выглядит
           feels                                             чувствует себя
In English the verbs to smell, to sound, to look, to feel are link verbs and are the first part of the compound
nominal predicate. The predicatives (which form the second part of these predicates) qualify the subject and can
therefore be expressed only by adjectives. In Russian the corresponding verbs form simple verbal
predicates and are therefore modified by adverbials expressed by an adverb.
3. A pronoun.
It was he.
It’s me. (There is a growing tendency to use personal pronouns as predicatives in the objective case.)
She is somebody.
The hat is mine. (In this function only the absolute form of the possessive pronoun is used.)
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