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a) sheep-sheep (овца/ы);
swine - swine (свинья/и);
deer - deer (олень/и);
grouse - grouse (куропатка/и).
This sheep looks small. All those sheep are good. 
I bought a grouse (three grouse for dinner). 
There’re so many fish, they splinter the paddles.
There, are some animal names that have two plurals:
fish - fish/fishes, pike - pike/pikes, trout - trout/trouts, carp –carp/carps, salmon - salmon/salmons.
The zero plural is more common to denote hunting quarries (We caught only a few fish. We caught five
salmon. He shot quail (перепелок) to make money), whereas the regular plural is used to denote different
individuals, species, kinds of animal, especially fish with the same name or insects or other small animals
which cause disease or damage.
The plant was covered in greenfly. 
This animal is infected with hookworm.
There are three greenflies on my hand. 
Two large hookworms were found in his stomach.
There were two quails for sale.
b) identical singular and plural forms are also typical of nationality nouns in -ese, -ss: Chinese, Japanese,
Portuguese, Swiss.
We met a Japanese. We met many Japanese on our holiday.
The word for people of the country is the same as the plural noun; the other way is to use substantivized
adjectives in this sense:
Englishmen - the English           Dutchmen - the Dutch.
c) two nouns borrowed from Latin and one from French also have identical forms for singular and plural:
series - series  (ряд, серия);
species  - species  (вид, порода, род) 
corps [ko:] - corps [ko:z] (корпус, род войск).
d) names, indicating number, such as:
pair, couple, dozen, score (два десятка),
stone (мера веса: 14 англ. фунтов = 6,35 кг) and
head (голова - поголовье скота)
have the same form for both the singular and plural when they are preceded by a numeral, that is, they 
function as an indication of a kind of measure: two dozen of handkerchiefs, five dozen of eggs. The child
weighs two stone. One thousand head of cattle.
But when they have no number as predeterminer they take the usual plural form: dozens of times, to go in
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