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You oughtn’t to have laughed at his mistakes.
The opposite to ought to is needn’t used to mean that the action is unnecessary.
We ought to wash the dishes, but we needn’t dry them, because they will dry themselves.
2. Advisability (which is sometimes understood as desirability).
You ought to see a doctor. 
We really ought to buy a new car, oughtn’t we?
3. Probability, something that can be naturally expected. It corresponds to the Russian
должно быть,
You ought to be hungry by now (you probably are, but I’m not certain).
Вы, наверное, уже проголодались.
Apples ought to grow well here.
Здесь должны хорошо расти яблоки.
If he started at nine he ought to be here by four (he will probably be here by four).
There oughtn’t to be any difficulty (it’s unlikely that there will be).
Black Beauty is the horse that ought to win the race(... is likely to win ...).
In this sense ought is a weaker equivalent of must when the latter denotes near certainty.
Ought to + infinitive is used when describing something exciting, funny or beautiful in the meaning of I
wish you could.
You ought to hear the way he plays the piano!
§ 161. Historically should was the past form of shall and both the forms expressed obligation. But in
present-day English they have developed different meanings and are treated as two different verbs.
Should followed by the non-perfect infinitive may be used with reference to the present and future and is not
changed in reported speech.
You should be more careful.
Вам следует быть внимательнее.
I told him he should be more careful.
Should is nearly always interchangeable with ought to, as their meanings coincide.
It expresses:
1. Moral obligation, moral duty, which may not be fulfilled. Should is found in this sense in all kinds of
sentences. However ought to is preferable in this sense:
All students should submit their work by present date (but some of them don’t).                                  
Студенты должны сдать работу к сегодняшнему дню.
Private firearms should be banned. Личное оружие следует запретить.
Не should phone his parents tonight, but lie probably won’t have time. 
Он должен позвонить, но, вероятно, у него не будет времени на это.
If you see anything strange you should call the police. 
Если ты увидишь что-то странное, ты должен вызвать полицию.
When used in the negative form should denotes a weakened prohibition, more like negative advice.
He shouldn’t be so impatient.
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