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14. «attitudes and skills once suitable to their position in the world do not serve them as well today» (II. 239,
A. What is their position in the world today?
B. What aspect of their culture has he mentioned that might not «serve them as well today» as it did in the
past? (And why not?)
15. «Isolation and homogeneity do not necessarily go together» (1. 70-71).
A. Which of these two qualities have been characteristic of Japan in the past?
B. What changes, if any, has Japan undergone with respect to these two qualities in recent times?
(Exercise A)
Rart I
1. In para.l: Why are «right» and «wrong» in quotation marks?
2. In paras.4, 5 (II.20-32):
A. What are the three types of rules mentioned?
What types of agents of «enforcement» are mentioned? 
4. «... the rule-breaker may feel his judges are outsiders.» (1. 10, 14) In which lines (further on in the text)
does Becker give us examples illustrating this point? (Give first and last words and line numbers).
5. A. Para 6 (II.33-39) categorizes outsiders according to the degree to which we________________.
B. Para 7 (II.40-48) categorizes rule-breakers according to the degree to which they____________.
6. For the section sub-titled «Definitions of Deviance».
Describe the different definitions of «deviance» which the author rejects. After each description cite the
writer's criticism/s of that particular view of deviance.(Give the line numbers for the sections dealing
with each view). 
Definition 1 (line numbers _______) :
Criticism/s : Definition 2 (line numbers_______) :
criticism/s Definition 3 (line numbers________) :
criticism/s Definition 4 (line numbers________) :
criticism/s Definition 5 (line numbers__________)
Criticism/s :
7. «Another sociological view is more relativistic.» (1.158) In what sense is it more «relativistic» than the
preceding view (which concerns itself with that which is functional or dysfunctional within a given society)?
8. The sociological view that «is closest to [the writer's] own [view] (1.163) cannot deal adequately
with_________ situations.
(one word)
9. What is Becker's definition of deviance? (Give brief summary and line numbers.)
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