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Trader, proprietor, secretaries, grey, eyebrows, skyscraper, promised, hundred, photographs, drive,
troubles, controlling, reproach, struck, presented, expression, outrageous, proper.
4. plosive + m/n
Told me, could not, confide my troubles, invalid mother, about marriage, did not, had not, should not.
5. consonant + w
Sight was, ours was, must withdraw, it was, did not want, is well, tell with women, was waiting, that
wonderfully attracts.
Exercise 3
Say what kind of false assimilation one should avoid in the following custers.
Was thrown, had heard, wife was, is the anniversary, was strong, was sent, is something, was so, is
pressing, was she.
0 Exercise 4
I. Listen to the following sentences with enumeration. Pronounce after the announcer, transcribe and
intone the sentences.
There were 'two 'French /traders | and a 'Belgian /colonel, | an I'talian /tenor, | the A'merican proprietor of
a 'circus with his /wife, | and a re'tired 'French official with \his. ||
The 'French official had been accompanied on /board by the 'French 'minister at Bang/kok, | one or two
/secretaries | and a 'prince of a 'royal \family. ||
Talking of 'one 'thing and a/nother | we 'watched the 'day de/cline, | we /dined, | and 'then we 'sat 'out
a'gain on 'deck under the \stairs. ||
II. Find other sentences with enumeration in the text and read them aloud.
Exercise 1
Find in the text words similar in meaning to the following:
A human being, an owner, a statesman, getting to know someone, the celebration of a date, a single man,
a post, bad public gossip, a person who strives for getting something, a single lady, stimulus, a present, a
madman, a precious stone.
To meet by chance, to travel together with somebody, to call somebody, to cease employment, to take
back, to protest, to give to somebody, to finish abruptly, to ask for advice, to give instructions, to summarize.
In bad condition, bad-looking, full-bodied, tiny, tender, silly, firm, appropriate, urgent, admirable, good
enough, moving.
Exercise 2
Explain in other words the following phrases.
To confide troubles, to lose temper, without reproach, of a suitable age, to nurse somebody, to be taken
aback, to do someone the honour of marrying him, to be on tenterhooks, to give a start, to come as a
surprise, to pass the age, to be of full age, a proper foundation for marriage, a person of consequence, an
aspirant to someone's hand, to be adamant, a marriage of convenience.
Exercise 3
Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases.
Брак по расч¸ту; годовщина; составить объявление; претендент(ка) на чью-либо руку; поделиться
с кем-либо своими проблемами; любовное послание; подходящего возраста; незамужняя женщина;
преподнести коробку конфет от чьего-либо имени; оказать честь выйти замуж;
выйти из
определ¸нного возраста; быть совершеннолетним; один на тысячу; страсть — это прекрасно, но...;
хорошая основа для брака; быть счастливым в браке; уважать друг друга; союз.
Сопровождать; важная персона; обращаться к кому-либо; намного ниже среднего роста;
возвышаться над кем-либо; познакомиться; говорить о том, о с¸м; на палубе; нарушить тишину;
служить во
флоте; ничего не помогало; решить; развеяться; изо всех сил; выйти из себя; в глаза не
видеть кого-либо;
никоим образом; быть удивл¸нным; уронить; вздрогнуть; дело безотлагательное;
жать плечами; быть как на иголках; очень рекомендовать; закончить рассказ.
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