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I don't like it.
Would you like to try it on? 
Can I see something else?
Does it fit? 
No, thanks. I'll leave it. 
Would you like to try
I'll take/have it.  
a bigger/smaller size? 
Thank you for your help.
This one comes in grey, 
brown and blue.
Exercise 21
Give a talk on the subject "How to Shop Sensibly". Include the following points:
which shop to check out;
what to wear;
what bag to take.
Make use of the following words and phrases:
to be a devoted shopper             
to afford
to be a spendthrift/a big spender     
to be extravagant
to spend/waste money on          
to cost the earth
Give your advice. Use the following structures:
I advise you to ...
(I think) you'd better/should ...
Why don't you ...
It might be a good idea to ...
Have you thought of
I wouldn't advise you to ...
You'd better not...
Exercise 22
I. Have you ever had problems like these? What did you do?
Your blouse has shrunk. 
The heel's come off. 
The zip doesn't work.
The strap has broken from
the side.
The sole's come unstuck. 
The stitching's come undone.
The colours ran. 
Your dress has come apart at
the seams.
Your pullover has stretched. 
Your boots pinch.
Your socks are different 
II. In pairs take turns to imagine yourself in the following situations. Make use of the phrases below.
For complaining:
I'm sorry but ...
I'm afraid ...
I'm sorry to have to complain but...
For apologizing and offering to put things right:
I'm very/awfully sorry ... I do apologize. I'll... All right, I'll see what I can do. Sony about that, I'll...
For accepting or refusing offers:
Thank you very much. That's very kind of you. I suppose that'll be all right. Thank you. That's just not
good enough ... No, that's quite unacceptable. I'll never ...
Exercise 23
Translate into English.
По дороге в супермаркет Бренда заметила яркую вывеску в витрине бутика: «Сезонные скидки».
Бренда решила посмотреть, нет ли чего-нибудь подходящего. Она не была завсегдатаем распродаж,
хотя и знала, что на вешалках с табличкой «Скидка 50%» можно найти только маленькие размеры.
Разглядывая вещи, она случайно натолкнулась на блузку 14 размера. Она примерила е¸ и та
оказалась ей как раз впору. Бренда подумала, что эта блузка подойд¸т к е¸ любимой ч¸рной юбке. К
тому же блузка была почти даром. Бренда заглянула в свой кошел¸к и решила, что может позволить
себе купить е¸. Больше не раздумывая, Бренда подала деньги продавцу.
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