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Gingerly, horrid, a mess, tacit, ragged, to clear up, to come off, tedious, thankfulness, to disappear.
Exercise 6
Choose the right word or phrase for each of the sentences below. Use each of them only once:
Become a mess of an even greater magnitude, a hideous mess, be piled high with plates and dishes, neat,
thoroughly domesticated, "Daily", up by the heels, cookery-books, get some practical experience, get it into
the dustpan, a "Liver-in".
1. Monica was happy that she was a ... and not a ....
2. Doing the work of a flat any young girl can ... .
3. The trouble about housework is that if you leave things till tomorrow it will ....
4. My brother never makes his bed or tidies his own room so it's always in ... .
5. ... are very helpful if you cannot cook well enough.
6. My elder sister is .... She can iron and do the washing and she's an excellent cook.
7. Men can do very many things: lay a fire, repair electrical appliances but they hate washing up. When
they stay alone a sink may ... .
8. Hanging out the clothes Mum hangs socks and stockings ... .
9. Little Bob was told to sweep up the dirt but he couldn't.... 10. If you often do cleaning your flat looks
Exercise 7
Give the English equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases.
Рассортировать; полоскать; отдельные мелкие поручения; убирать очень маленькую квартиру; по
локти в мыле; опытный работник; опереться рукой о стену; закатать рукава; замести в совок; делать
что-либо неправильно; вытереть руки о рабочий халат; грязь хорошо отмылась; ещ¸ больший
беспорядок; отжимать; развешивать; выворачивать; прожечь; передник; разжигать огонь; подметать;
грязный контур; тереть намыленной тряпкой; оставить грязную отметину; развести порошок в тазу;
гладить; гора
белья для стирки; уметь делать вс¸ по дому; хозяйничать на кухне; прислуга,
выполняющая обязанности кухарки и горничной.
Удержаться от того, чтобы сказать; затраченное время; полный надежд; ни свет ни заря; оставить
вс¸ как есть; заплатить из расч¸та шиллинг за час; у тебя дела идут хорошо; оставить записку;
направиться на кухню; оставить до завтра; мелкая неприятность; высказать мнение; что душе угодно;
вдруг чудесным образом само собой сделается; приняться за мыть¸ посуды.
Exercise 8
Replace the phrases in italics with one of the words or phrases below.
to fix the courses 
a pile of washing
a dustbin 
to give off a burst of sparks and fuse
to rinse to lay a fire 
to come off all right
to do odd jobs 
an old hand
1. Mary's husband is so handy that he could even repair the iron when it sparkled and melted.
2. If you need a container for household refuse you can buy it at any supermarket.
3. When Jack made a grimy mark on the wall playing football Mum robbed at it with a soapy cloth and
she managed to remove it.
4. While doing washing you put clothes through clean water to remove soap.
5. Mother left a lot of linen for me to wash.
6. To heat the house Dad first collects ash in a small box and then puts wood ready for lighting.
7. Before giving a party we bought lots of delicious things and decided what to cook.
8. My wife is quite an expert at cooking.
9. The employer wanted a Daily for doing casual jobs.
Exercise 9
Fill in the gaps with prepositions.
1. Monica could guess what Miss Cattermole thought ... her and was grateful that she did not call the
2. The girl had to open the door and answer the telephone covered ... soap to the elbow.
3. The maid in the house did not feel like giving an opinion ... the state of things there.
4. Mrs. Robertson could not hide her annoyance ... the mishap with her best camisole.
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