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physical exercises           
to be different
II. words or phrases with the opposite meaning:
to get out of bed            to get undressed 
not much                 
to stay out of trouble       
Exercise 7
Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and expressions.
Просыпаться; оставаться в постели; день начинается;
разминка; приготовить завтрак; одеваться;
пора (делать что-либо); добираться до школы; звучит свисток; съесть
весь обед; ходить в парк;
забирать из школы; ложиться спать ровно в 7.30; не отрываться от телевизора; раздеться до чего-
либо; увлечься игрой; заниматься плаванием; надевать пижаму; чистить зубы; читать книгу на ночь;
свет гаснет; во сне.
Оставаться с вечера; убирать; причинить неприятности; разыграться; оставить за кем-либо
последнее слово;
потерять форму (о предмете одежды); создавать хорошее настроение; туда и
обратно; хорошо получаться; быть привередливым; использовать в полной мере; скатываться вниз;
попробовать как можно больше; забрызгать водой стену; неохотно согласиться.
Exercise 8
Express the same idea using different wording and grammar.
After a quick warm-up and a chat, we creep downstairs to see what's been left around from the
night before.
I suppose the way I spend my day must seem fairly routine to some people, but I like to use it to
the full.
Personally, I think the shops are best, especially the ones with toys in.
Friends' houses can be a good source of entertainment.
I'm not a TV addict but cartoons I do enjoy and my favourite programme is Tarzan.
The best treat of all is visiting Nanny.
She is extremely patient with my pruning efforts.
When Tarzan is on I strip off to my underpants and really get into the part.
9. I then have a trip down a shark-infested river at bathtime or practise swimming in the bath, but my
room is rather restricted and mum doesn't appreciate how far I get the water up the wall.
10. Mum has to read a book at bedtime, it gives me a few minutes to have a last play and select my
favourite toys before the light goes out.
Exercise 9
1. Draw a chart like the one below and arrange the child's activities into two columns.
II. After you have finished the chart, compare it with the rest of the class. Discuss the child's activities
using the following words:
Interesting, creative, exciting, good fun, dangerous, boring, good exercise, relaxing, crazy, wonderful,
enjoyable, terrible.
Start your discussion with the following phrases:
I think/I don't think he enjoys/likes ...
It must be dangerous/interesting to swim/to play... etc.
That sounds/does not sound like much fan/crazy... etc.
I'd like to try ... myself.
He doesn't mind ...
If I had time, I'd like to ...
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