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The afternoons are unpredictable. On a fine day I may go swimming or visit a park or the shops.
Personally, I think the shops are best, especially the ones with toys in. My mother just doesn't seem to
understand that I need them all, anyway I have a good try with as many as I can before getting into trouble
with the assistant. Then I move on to the sweets, which I generally get one of. Friends' houses can be a good
source of entertainment, although if they haven't got any children it can be a bit frustrating not being allowed
to touch anything. Luckily most of mother's friends have got children.
The best treat of all, though, is visiting Nanny.
She's got much more time to spend on you than parents
have and I do all sorts of things there. I have made some very tasty cakes in Nanny's kitchen and she doesn't
mind how much mess goes on the floor.
I also enjoy gardening with her. She is extremely patient with my pruning efforts.
So my afternoons vary
until we collect my brother from school at 3.30. He's not so much fun in the afternoons, but I do a bit of
insect searching on the way home and collect any interesting sticks and stones that I think I could use in our
small garden.
My bedtime is fixed at 7.30 and to be honest I'm just about ready for it by then. After doing my duty —
by eating some tea — I play for a while or watch television. I'm not a TV addict but cartoons I do enjoy
my favourite programme is Tarzan. When this is on I strip off to my underpants and really get into the part.
(I'm fantastically brave.) I then have a trip down a shark-infested river
at bathtime or practise swimming in
the bath, but my room is rather restricted and Mum doesn't appreciate how far I get the water up the wall.
So, when the water has got fairly cold, I reluctantly
agree to get out and put my pyjamas on. I don't like
cleaning my teeth but I do.
Mum has to read a book at bedtime: it gives me a few minutes to have a last play and select my favourite
toys before the light goes out. After all, even in my dreams I've had to fight some pretty fierce tigers.
Proper Names
Daniel ['d
l] — Дэниел 
Tarzan ['t
n] — Тарзан
Vocabulary Notes
1. ... than it does for pudding — ... чем когда его подают как десерт.
2. ... we made Mum's the other day — на днях мы приготовили завтрак маме.
3. Oxos — «Оксоз» (Прим.: название бульонных кубиков)
4. I use my feet for brakes and propulsion. — Я торможу и отталкиваюсь ногами.
5. ... visit a friend down the lane whose brother has some super toys, which compensates for the fact that
she's a girl. — ... хожу к подружке, которая жив¸т на нашей улице; у е¸ брата есть потрясающие
игрушки, и это смиряет меня с тем, что она — девочка.
6. Nanny — здесь: бабушка (Прим.: в других контекстах может означать «нянечка»).
7. She doesn't mind how much mess goes on the floor. — Ей вс¸ равно, сколько мусора на полу.
8. ... she is extremely patient with my pruning efforts. — Она очень терпеливо относится к моим
неловким попыткам подстричь деревья и кусты.
9. ... but cartoons I do enjoy ... — ... но вот мультики мне нравятся.
10. shark-infested — кишащий акулами.
11. Mum doesn't appreciate how far I get the water up the wall. — Мама не одобряет, что я
забрызгиваю водой всю стену.
Comprehension Check
1. Why does the child wake up first?
2. What do the brothers do after a warm-up and a chat?
3. What does the child like to wear?
Why does the boy enjoy his trip to Daniel's school?
Is he fussy about his food?
Does the boy find his days boring?
How does he spend the afternoons?
Whom does he enjoy visiting most? Why?
When does the boy go to bed?
10. Is he a TV addict?
11. How does the boy entertain himself at bathtime?
12. What does he do before the light goes out? .
Phonetic Text Drills
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