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— a measurement in space such as length, width, or height;
— an open space wholly or partly surrounded by buildings, next to or inside a large house;
— a house that is one of a pair of joined houses;
— a paved surface or path at the side of a street for people to walk on;
— a sort of stone that is hard, cold to the touch, smooth when polished, and used for buildings and
statues, etc.;
— the opening for a coal fire in the wall of a room, with a chimney above it and a hearth;
— a pair of wood or metal covers that can be unfolded in front of the outside of a window to block the
view or keep out the light;
— a block of stone or wood forming the base of a doorway;
— a flight of stairs with a handrail;
— a small partly enclosed space in a room;
— a flat shape with four straight sides forming four right angles;
— a person who lives in a place, though without necessarily owning it;
— a frame surrounding a fireplace, especially the part on top which can be used as a small shelf;
— number of things, mass of material, piled up.
Exercise 2
Pick out all the words and word combinations which describe:
1. The hall in the Denhams' house;
2. The bedroom in the Denhams' house;
3. The drawing room in the Denhams' house.
Exercise 3
I. Find in the text nouns modified by the adjectives:
1. tall/high;
2. flowered/patterned;
3. large/huge.
II. Explain the difference in meaning between these adjectives and say in what other collocations they can
be used. Give examples.
Exercise 4
I. Three names of building materials occur in the text: brass, marble, wood. Think of other names of
materials and say what is usually made of them.
II. Three nouns denoting a certain number of things are used in the text:
heap, quantity, row. Think of
other similar nouns and say in what collocations they may occur.
Exercise 5
I. Work with the text and complete the list of participles II:
Paved, painted, ...
II. Complete the list of nouns, denoting furnishings or pieces of furniture:
A fireplace, a pot, ...
III. Complete the list of adjectives, used to describe a building, a room or furniture:
Tall, lovely, ...                                        '
Exercise 6
I. Find sentences with the following adjectives and adverbs in the text. Read and translate the sentences.
densely  deep 
II. Make up other parts of speech from these words where possible.
Exercise 7
Translate into English.
Один из домов под общей крышей; четыр¸хэтажное здание; кованая железная ограда; калитка;
звонок; стоять на пороге; общее впечатление; быть завешанным картинами; появиться из дверей;
впустить кого-либо; распахнуть; выходить на что-либо (об окнах, комнате); цветастый;
незаконченное полотно; отраж¸нные лучи света;
определить размеры; правильный прямоугольник;
аквариум; украшать; с затейливым рисунком; плотно задрапированный; разной выделки.
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