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Clara was astonished; she could compare the room to nothing in her experience. Mrs Denham
herself made a fitting occupant for such a room.
She talked of books, from what Clara, in her haze of
observation, could hear:
about some books that she was, ah yes, what was that word, reviewing? A critic,
then? No, not a critic. A writer, then, perhaps: and Clara, searching for help, directed her excellent vision at
the distant titles of the books on the shelves
behind Martin's head. And help was forthcoming for there was
a whole row of somehow familiar books, and the name on the back, she could just decipher it, was Candida
Why, yes, of course, Candida Gray, a name that she had known for as many years as she had
known any such names. In the sudden satisfaction of recognition, Clara nearly cried out, into the midst of the
conversation, I read your book, I read that book of yours, I read Custom and Ceremony, but she didn't, she
kept quiet, she did not want to betray, even directly, the novelty of her discovery.
And she thought, a little
aggrieved: I do think Clelia might have told me, how could she assume that I knew her mother's maiden
name? Her discovery did, however, do much to help her understanding of the conversation. She began to
feel that she knew where she was, a little: and after a while she too began to talk.
Proper Names
Clara ['kle(
] — Клара
Denham ['den
m] — Денем
Margaret Drabble ['m
t 'dr
bl] — Маргарет Дрэббл
Jerusalem [
m] — Иерусалим
Highgate ['ha
t] — Хайгейт
Clelia ['kli:l
] — Клелия
Martin ['m
n] — Мартин
Candida ['k
] — Кандида Грей
Vocabulary Notes
1. ... wrought iron fence ... — ... кованая железная ограда ...
2. ... it was solid and heavily panelled ... — ... она была массивная, с тяжелой панельной обшивкой ...
3. 'I'll go and get her' — «Пойду и найду ее.»
4. Clara could not think of any scheme in which the man she had just seen could have been described as
lovely, but she instantly invented one. — Клара не могла представить, с какой же стороны можно было
бы охарактеризовать как привлекательного человека, которого она только что видела, но она тут же
придумала, с какой.
5. The room's function — for it was, beneath all, a bedroom — was all but concealed. — Комната эта
вс¸ же служила спальней, хотя угадать это было непросто.
6. She got round to thinking that one of the most charming features ofClelia's room was its sense of
prolonged nursery associations. — Она подумала, что одной из самых приятных особенностей комнаты
Клелии было то, что в ней возникало ощущение, будто детство не ушло.
7. ... she lost track of the conversation entirely, so engrossed was she in the visual aspect of the scene
presented to her. — ... она совершенно не слушала, о ч¸м говорят, настолько она была очарована тем,
что предстало перед ее глазами.
8. ... the eye could at first glimpse in no way assess its dimensions. — ... с первого взгляда нельзя было
даже определить е¸ размеры.
9. It seemed to be full of alcoves and angles ... — Казалось, в ней было полно ниш и закутков ...
10. ... heavily shrouded with curtains of different fabrics and densities. — ... плотно задрапированное
занавесками из тканей разной выделки и плотности.
11. Mrs Denham herself made a fitting occupant for such a room. — Образ самой миссис Денэм очень
соответствовал такой обстановке.
12. She talked of books, from what Clara, in her haze of observation, could hear... — Она говорила о
книгах, и из е¸ слов Клара, не вдумывавшаяся в их смысл, так как разглядывала предметы, могла
уловить ...
13. ... and Clara, searching for help, directed her excellent vision at the distant titles of the books on the
shelves ... — и Клара, у которой было отличное зрение, в поисках подсказки устремила взгляд на
корешки с названиями книг, стоявших на полках у дальней стены ...
14. ... Candida something — ... какая-то Кандида.
15. ... she did not want to betray, even directly, the novelty other discovery. — ... даже прямо она не
хотела обнаружить, что сделала для себя неожиданное открытие.
Comprehension Check
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