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4. На дружеской вечеринке первый танец принадлежит жене. Отступить от этого правила можно
лишь в исключительных случаях.
5. Муж должен всегда обращать внимание на новое платье жены, говорить ей по этому поводу
что-нибудь приятное и вообще не скупиться на комплименты.
6. Муж должен делать жене подарки даже без особого повода, преподносить ей время от времени
7. Муж не должен заглядываться на других женщин в присутствии жены.
8. Муж не должен ходить по квартире неопрятно одетым.
9. Муж должен благодарить жену за вкусный обед.
10. Муж должен иногда спрашивать жену, что она сделала в его отсутствие, в общем,
разговаривать с женой не только о делах. Но, как сказал один старик, если жена не разговаривает с
вами весь выходной, значит, ей есть что сказать.
(из "Литературной Газеты ")
Exercise 3
Write a composition on one of the following topics. Discuss your compositions in class.
1. Families with Many Children Versus Families with One Child.
2. The Effect of Divorce on Children.
3. Grandparents. A Blessing or a Burden?
4. How to Bridge the Generation Gap.
5. The Ideal Family of the Future.
In England the practice of setting out written work varies considerably, but college and university
students are expected to present their written works neatly and in accordance with certain basic standards.
Students draw a margin on the left-hand side of each page, about three centimetres wide usually in pencil.
The margin is left free for the teacher's marking.
The date is usually written in the top right-hand comer, and often underlined. If the day of the week is
included, it is always put at the beginning (e.g. 1 September, 1999 or: Monday, 1st. September).
The title of the composition is usually written in the middle of the page, often on the line below the date.
Sometimes it is put on the left, against the margin. The first word of a heading and all the following words
except articles and prepositions should be written with a capital letter.
Each paragraph should be indented, which means that it should begin a little way in from the margin.
Present your composition in the following form.
Home, sweet home. It does not matter what your home is like — a country mansion, a more modest
detached or semi-detached house, a flat in a block of flats or even a room in a communal flat. Anyway,
it is the place where you once move in and start to furnish and decorate it to your own taste. It becomes
your second "ego".
Your second "ego" is very big and disquieting if you have a house. There is enough space for everything:
a hall, a kitchen with an adjacent dining-room, a living-room or a lounge, a couple of bedrooms and
closets (storerooms), a toilet and a bathroom. You can walk slowly around the house thinking what else
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