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Pippin — [
n] — Пиппин 
Merry — ['mer
] — Мерри 
Barrow-wight [b
t] — призрак Курганов
Vocabulary Notes
1. But either in his dreams or out of them, he could not tell which, Frodo heard a sweet singing running in
his mind ... — Ho Фродо не знал, во сне или наяву, до него доносилось нежное пение ...
2. The vision melted into waking ... — Он проснулся, и видение растворилось ...
3. After breakfast they made ready to say farewell as nearly heavy of heart as was possible on such a
morning ... — ... После завтрака они приготовились распрощаться; на душе у них почему-то было
неспокойно, несмотря на такое утро ...
4. They took a deep draught of the air. — Они глубоко вдохнули воздух.
5. A shadow now lay round the edge of sight, a dark haze above which the sky was like a blue cap. —
Теперь силуэт леса по всему краю окаймляла т¸мная полоса, небо над которой было похоже на
голубой колпак.
6. They set their backs against the east side of the stone. — Они сели, прислонившись спинами к той
стороне камня, которая была обращена на восток.
7. ... and eating their fill... — ... и плотно пообедав ...
8. hobbits ['h
ts] — хоббиты
9. Soon they were leading their ponies in single file ... — Вскоре они уже цепочкой вели своих пони ...
10. Why don't you keep up? — Почему вы не поспеваете?
11. His breath was smoking. — При дыхании появлялся парок.
12. His knees gave ... — Ноги у него подкосились ...
13. As he lay there, thinking and getting a hold on himself, he noticed all at once that the darkness was
showly giving way ... — Вот так л¸жа, размышляя и приходя в себя, он вдруг заметил, что темнота
медленно расступается ...
14. What in the name of wonder? — Что за чудеса?
Comprehension Check
What did Frodo hear in his sleep?
Who was whistling?
When did the hobbits start out?
What was the country like?
What was the weather like?
Where did the hobbits stop and what for?
Why did they fall asleep?
What change in the weather did they see when they woke up?
What did they do after waking up?
10. Why did Frodo hurry forward?
11. What was Frodo suddenly aware of?
12. What happened to Frodo?
13. What did Frodo realise when he came to himself again?
14. Whom did Frodo suddenly see?
15. Where did Tom and Frodo bear the others?
16. What was the weather like again?
Phonetic Text Drills
0 Exercise 1
Transcribe and pronounce correctly the words from the text.
Vision, whistling, slanting, farewell, knoll, to journey, to mount, mound, jagged, disquieting, to cast, to
roll, northward, bedewed, to wander, sign, to rear, frantically, weary, to sweat, tatter, strand, dread, barrow-
wight, chamber, naked, to bask, to waft.
0 Exercise 2
Pronounce the words and phrases where the following clusters occur.
1. plosive + r
Dreams, breakfast, made ready, bright, draught, and round, grew, breeze, crowned, green, trap, dripping,
grey drops, prevent, approaching, breath, grip, great, cold rags, promise.
2. t+s/s+t
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