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1. A. That ... of shoes cost 22 and the heels fell off after three days.
B. Would you like some grapes or a ... with your cheese?
2. A. I got so ... in the
history lecture I fell asleep.
B. There will be a ...
meeting tomorrow.
3. A. Sorry I'm late; I went ... my bus stop 
B. He ... his driving test the second time he took it.
4. A. His relationship with his mother lies at the ... of his personality problems. 
B. The police recommended an alternative ... to avoid heavy traffic.
5. A. In the US, you buy milk in..., in Britain, in pints. 
B. She's got a new ... crystal watch. 
(root, route; board, bored; pear, pair; quarts, quartz; passed, past)
Фонетика: sounds [
], [s], [z]
Словообразование: суффикс существительных -ity
Грамматика: пассивный залог (времена групп Continuous, Perfect)
Текст: «Jane's letter» (cont.)
13.1. Sound right
13.1.1. Listen and look. Pay attention to the difference in pronounciation of the sounds [
], [s], [z]. [
] as
in theirs, [z] as in buzz, [s] as in bus.
A. What's that, Father?
B. It's a buzzer, Lesley.
A. What does the buzzer do, Father?
B. The bus conductor presses the buzzer, and then that stops the bus. 
A. But doesn't the bus driver stop and start the bus?
B. Yes, he does.
A. But you said the buzzer stops the bus, Father. 
B. Lesley, would you like these ... sweets?
A. The sun's fabulous! The sky's blue! This is the sort of weather for bathing, Daisy! 
B. This is the sort of weather for sleeping for hours on these marvellous sands! 
A. Oh, let's bathe! 
B. Please go to sleep, Liz! 
A. Lazy Daisy! 
B. Busy Lizzie!
13.1.2. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intonation.
13.1.3. Read the dialogues in pairs.
13.2. Word-building
13.2.1. Give Russian equivalents for the following nouns with the suffix -ity:
activity, reality, stability, responsibility, formality, cruelty, simplicity, humanity, seniority, popularity.
13.3. Full understanding
13.3.1. Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте:
problem, statistical, guarantee [
], phenomenon [f
n], conflict, propaganda, television,
film, programme, scene [s
n], administration, international. * 13.3.2. Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте,
New words:
to face — сталкиваться (с проблемой) 
to violate [va
t] — нарушать 
violence — насилие 
violent — насильственный 
to rob — грабить 
neighbour ['ne
] — сосед 
to kill — убивать 
to murder ['m
] — убивать 
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