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barber, «I want six shillings from you, sir, for it was your son who did it». «And if you hand me over four
shillings», said the lawyer, «we shall be quits, for my fee is half a pound».
? *11.8.2. How many pounds of earth can you take out of a hole which is one foot square and one foot
? *11.8.3. Can you read the address?
Фонетика: sounds [s], [
Словообразование: отрицательный префикс un-
Грамматика: пассивный залог
Текст: «Jane's letter» (cont.)
12.1. Sound right
12.1.1. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the difference in pronounciation of the sounds [s] and [
]: [s] as
in sink, [
] as in think.
A. It's not safe.
B. Of course, it's safe.
A. I think, it'll sink. It's only made of thin cloth. 
B. It's not cloth, it's plastic. And it's not thin, it's thick.
A. Well, even thick plastic can burst. 
B. It's quite safe. The man said so. 
A. And anyway, sailing makes me sick.
A. Now, look at this, sir — this marvellous
seventeenth century mirror. It's a thing both of beauty and of
B.     Yes,butd'youthink... 
A. Oh, I think you'll like the price too, sir. 
B. Mmm. Perhaps so. But to me it seems quite worthless.
A. Oh — you can have complete faith in it? 
B. Yes — but can you see your face in it?
12.1.2. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intonation.
12.1.3. Read the dialogues in pairs.
12.1.4. Listen and look. Pay attention to the difference in pronunciation of the sounds [
] and [t]: [9] as in
three, [t] as in tree.
A. I think I shall plant two or three of these trees. 
B. Mmm. Two or three trees would be nice. Where do you think you'll plant them? 
A. On both sides of the path, I think. 
B. And when the trees are tall... 
A. I shall be a hundred and thirty.
A. I'm taking mathematics and theology. 
B. And who teaches you math? 
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