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а) Петр Соколов, б) Нелли Павлова, в) Джейн Сноу, и постарайтесь рассказать о вашей работе
или учебе.
*2.3.21. Представьте, что вы один из клиентов Стива Кинга. Попытайтесь описать его контору.
2.3.22. Попытайтесь узнать, что у вашего друга есть дома.
2.4. Practice in communication 
*2.4.1. Прочитайте и выучите:
1 I'd like you to meet...
2. Have you met...?
3. Let me introduce (myself) you to...
1. Hallo,...
2. How do you do?
1. (I'm) pleased to meet you...
2.4.2. Представьте (познакомьте):
1. a close friend/to your mother;
2. yourself/to a new colleague;
3. your teacher/to a friend.
2.4.3. Смотрите, слушайте и затем инсценируйте диалог.
Meeting people to the sound of loud music and cheerful voices... 
PAUL    And this is Jane. 
ROBERT Hullo, Joan. 
JANE    Jane (she laughs, correcting him). Hullo, Robert. Pleased to meet you. 
PAUL    Look who's arrived! John, nice to see you. Let
me introduce you to some friends. These are Jane
and Robert. 
JOHN    Hullo. I'm very pleased to meet you. 
JANE    Nice to meet you too. 
PAUL    Oh, hullo, Mr. Martin. May I introduce you to some friends? Jane Spense, Robert Anderson,
John Allwright. This is Mr. Martin, my bank manager.
Mr. MARTIN: How d'you do? I'm very pleased to meet you. 
ROBERT Nice to meet you. Enjoying yourself? 
JOHN Mr. MARTIN Very much. The music's rather loud though,
isn't it? I couldn't quite catch your
names. Did Paul say your name was ... er ... er ...? (Even louder music)
2.4.4. Вы пригласили следующих людей на обед. Они никогда до этого не встречались.
Познакомьте всех присутствующих.
1. your parents;
2. your new boy/girl-friend;
3. his/her brother;
4. a neighbour (Miss Snow);
5. a colleague (Steve King).
2.5. General understanding
2.5.1. Прочитайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его и выполнить предложенные упражнения.
The man who escaped
(Episode 2)
1. It is six o'clock on a very cold winter evening. People are in their living-rooms and watch the news on
television or listen to it on the radio. There is one very important piece of news this evening. It is this.
«In the West of England this evening, hundreds of policemen are looking for a man who escaped from
Princeville Prison early this morning. The man's name is Edward Coke. He is 30 years old, six feet tall, and has
black hair and blue eyes. He is in a dark blue prison uniform. The police do not think he can stay free very long.
It is only a few degrees above zero and it is snowing».
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