Page 1
2 - Isbn 5-222-00663-8
3 - Unit 1
4 - ], Russian, American, English, London,
5 - Meet my friends
6 - Model: Don't go there!
7 - (Greetings)
8 - A Case on the road
9 - Respect for written word
10 - New words:
Page 11
Page 12
13 - (Introduction)
14 - Not a robber
Page 15
16 - Unit 3
17 - (-man); (-ian); (-able)
18 - School vocabulary:
19 - who, what,
20 - Model: Are there many trees around?
21 - Acceptance
22 - His name and address was on the wheel
23 - Unit 4
24 - Текст: «Pete is preparing for the seminar»
25 - New words:
Page 26
27 - (Request)
28 - Tom
29 - Caught in his own trap
30 - Across:
Page 31
32 - ], Africa, Latin America, New York,
Page 33
34 - (Gratitude)
35 - The monkey detective
36 - Unit 6
37 - Словообразование: суффиксы существительных -аnсе (-еnсе); -су, суффикс прилагательных -ful;
38 - (-ance), (-cy), (-ful)
39 - New words:
40 - Dear Nell!
Page 41
42 - (Agreement or Disagreement)
43 - The man who escaped
44 - Crime Will Be Out Sooner of Later
45 - Unit 7
Page 46
47 - Robert Rowley rolled
48 - Daughter: How do you know that, Dad?
49 - follow Black Rod?
50 - Disapproval
Page 51
52 - Unit 8
Page 53
54 - New words:
55 - Brown 6'1"
56 - (Accusal and Defence)
57 - The man who escaped
58 - How I lost my lighter
59 - Unit 9
60 - Great Britain, Thames [temz], Westminster ['westm
61 - Model: When I came to him he was sleeping
62 - (Advice)
63 - Kidnap!
64 - Revenge is sweet (proverb)
65 - ], Poet's Corner, Chaucer ['
66 - Useful language:
67 - (Complaint and Apology/Excuse)
68 - The man who escaped
69 - A strange sentence
70 - Unit 11
71 - There's
72 - York means the Empire State Building, World Trade Centre, tremendous traffic, neon advertisements, Central
73 - Chic Hou Geles India Balti
74 - The man who escaped
75 - Two students convicted of diplomat's murder
76 - Unit 12
77 - New words:
78 - Passive Voice и выражения:
79 - Courts The government can be sued for
80 - 82-year-old man who shot burglar must pay him $ 4000
Page 81
82 - Unit 13
83 - School vocabulary:
Page 84
85 - The man who escaped
86 - The lady or the tiger?
87 - Unit 14
88 - New words:
89 - House Of Lords
90 - (Belief and Disbelief)
91 - The man who escaped
Page 92
93 - Our queer language
94 - Unit 15
95 - New words:
96 - Presence of mind
97 - Barristers Solicitors
98 - (Certainty/Uncertainty)
99 - Bribery stopped
100 - Across:
101 - Unit 16
102 - (Compound adjectives)
Page 103
104 - (Contradiction / Denial)
105 - The man who escaped
106 - Helicopter plucks two from jail
107 - Clues Across:
108 - Unit 17
109 - Proper names:
110 - Scene I
111 - Model:
112 - (Interrogation)
113 - Judge's «respectful» plea for plainer English
114 - The excessive bill
115 - Rugby
Page 116
117 - (Compound nouns)
118 - Scene V
119 - Model: S1 Will you go to the pictures with me to-night?
120 - I
121 - (Disagreement)
122 - The End
123 - Note: Dna—deoxyribonucleic acid—ДНК— дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота, (носитель
124 - Грамматика:
125 - Исключение: числительные, содержащие в себе числительные: 1-й — first; 2-й — second; 3-й —
126 - Unit 2
Page 127
128 - Unit 3
129 - Утвердительная
130 - I
131 - Unit 5
132 - Unit 6
133 - Unit 7
134 - Indefinite Simple)
135 - Unit 9
136 - — в форме причастия Ii.
137 - to be+Participle Ii
138 - Unit 14
139 - U N I T 16
140 - Oн (фильм) очень

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